Leicester 2017-18

Booked by Kwame Alexanader

I Spy by Daniel Blythe

Through the Woods by Emily Carroll

100 Most Unexplained Mysteries on the Planet by Anna Claybourne

The Liar's Handbook by Keren David

Annie by Tommy Donbavand

Mind the Gap by Phil Earle

Girls Can't Hit by T S Easton

Beaky Malone: World's Greatest Liar by Barry Hutchinson

Perijee and Me by Ross Montgomery

The White Fox by Jackie Morris

Liquidator by Andy Mulligan

Radio Boy by Christian O'Connell

Flesh and Blood by Chris Priestley

Thunder Struck by Ali Sparkes

Free Lance and the Lake of Skulls by Paul Steward and Chris Riddell

Can You Survive in a Dystopia?: An Interactive Doomsday Adventure by Anthony Wacholtz

Sky Thieves by Dan Walker

HiLo the Boy who Crashed to Earth by Judd Winick

Being Miss Nobody by Tamsin Winter